Friday, November 30, 2012

Liability Insurance For Pets: A Great Help To Dog Owners

The number of people having pets has increased and majority of these have dogs as pets. There are many people who prefer dogs because it is considered as man's best friend. Some would want it to protect their property and home. For whatever reason, a dog is a very good animal to have as a pet especially when it is still a puppy. Through the years, the number of dog breeds has also increased and these breeds have different specialties which can be very helpful in different situations.

For most people in the urban areas they prefer to have dog breeds specifically for protecting their property. There are certain breeds that are more aggressive, although this can be very beneficial when protecting one's property this can also cause some areas of concern. With an aggressive dog you are prone to the dangers of it attacking other people without any reason at all. There would be instances wherein your dog would interpret the actions of people as a threat and would attack them. This can be a very big headache especially when the cost of medical treatment is on the rise. Without ample insurance coverage, you would be facing the problem of having to pay for the expenses for the treatment of the victim. Having the victim treated for injuries can be costly but manageable in some cases. But when the victim would file for damages and liability claims this can be very expensive. Having liability coverage for your pet dog is very important in such cases. This will help in the expenses when the victim would take the incident into court and fie for liabilities and damages.

Liability insurance can cover for the expenses associated with defending your case in court and can also pay for the amount that would be awarded by the court to the victim including the court fees. This can help you manage your finances in the event that your dog gets into this kind of situation. Aside from paying for the treatment of the victim, this can also pay for compensation to the family in the unfortunate event that the victim dies because of the injuries sustained from your dog. With liability insurance, you would not have to worry about the expenses associated with the actions of your dog. This will keep you financially secure even if you have to pay for liabilities and damages.

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

Pet Insurance - What Is the Average Monthly Pet Insurance Premium?

One of the traps that pet owners fall into when they start investigating pet insurance is that their focus is often on the monthly or annual premium. I guess this is logical because they want to know "How much is this going to cost me?" That's a good question, but besides the monthly premium, the largest potential costs will be your out-of-pocket costs when you file a claim. The quality of the policy you purchase will determine your overall long-term costs.

I heard an interview recently that Bob Burg did with Tom Ziglar (Zig Ziglar's son). Tom told the story about when he was a child, Zig got him a bicycle at a local store for about $35. He said that before long, he had to replace the handle bars, wheels, tires, chains, etc. and it ended up being an expensive bike to own. He then got a Schwinn bicycle and he said that it lasted many years with just about the only maintenance being replacing the tires. Even though the Schwinn bike cost about twice what his first bike did, in the long run - it ended up costing much less.

The same could be said about pet insurance policies. You must do your due-diligence when researching companies and policies to make sure that in the long run, you'll minimize your out-of-pocket expenses when you file claims. When purchasing pet insurance, just like anything else, you usually get what you pay for. In fact, when you obtain a quote, some companies will recommend a policy for your pet. You should be careful about automatically accepting their recommendation because sometimes the policy they recommend will be one of their least expensive policies (lowest premium), but most expensive (out-of-pocket costs) especially if you have to file a large claim.

While most pet owners are focused on the premium, the cost that matters the most is your total out-of-pocket expense (including the premium) - especially if you have to file a large claim. This is where deficiencies in some pet insurance policies are magnified. Therefore, it is essential that pet owners use "what if" scenarios and calculate these potential out-of-pocket expenses in order to pick the best company and policy for their pet.

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

Will Pet Insurance Cover Older Pets?

There is a misconception that pet insurance companies won't cover older pets. However, there are several companies that do so. The best way to find out which companies will cover your pet is to visit each company's website and obtain a quote. You'll usually find one of the following scenarios:

The company doesn't cover older pets The company will cover older pets with any of their policies. The company has a policy designed just for "senior" pets. Oftentimes this policy will have limited benefits (e.g. a lower annual maximum or higher co-pay) when compared to their policies for younger dogs. The company won't cover illnesses in older pets, but will offer to cover pets over a certain age for accidents only.

When you obtain a quote, the company will let you know if they will cover your pet and which policies your pet is eligible for. Ideally, you want to purchase a policy that covers both accidents and illnesses.

The most common reason that pet owners consider getting pet insurance for an older pet is that they know older pets, like older people, eventually get one or more chronic conditions that will need management and treatment the rest of the pet's life. Examples of such diseases include arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart failure, kidney failure, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Cushings Disease, etc. With treatment, some of these pets can live with a good quality of life for years, but cumulatively, the expense of monitoring and treating these conditions can mount up. Therefore, when you purchase a policy, you want to be sure that coverage for chronic conditions is included. Since some companies offer this coverage only as an add-on rider, you want to always select this coverage when obtaining your quote.

By the way, I've seen advice given that you don't need to purchase pet insurance for your younger pet who is healthy. While it is true that an older pet will likely have more problems that need medical attention, you can't always count on your younger pet not having significant and costly medical problems. Any problems your pet has had over the years might be considered pre-existing and not covered if you wait until your pet is older to seek pet insurance coverage. So, the best time to purchase pet insurance for your pet is when he or she is younger and healthy.

Therefore, an older pet is likely to have a history of previous illnesses which may be considered pre-existing by the insurance company when you apply for coverage. You will have to answer several questions about your pet's previous medical history and whether your pet has any known - about problems at the time of application. The insurance company may also request a copy of your pet's medical records from any veterinarian you've visited in the past. Some companies may require a physical examination and/or lab tests (at your expense) to see if any medical problems are uncovered that may be pre-existing. Once you determine which policies your older pet is eligible for, you can call and talk with a company representative about what they would require to insure your pet.

I would also recommend (even with younger pets too) that you request a medical history review whether the insurance company requires one or not and ask that they let you know on the front end (during the underwriting process) if there will be any exclusions due to pre-existing conditions. This is especially important when trying to obtain coverage for an older pet and could have an impact on whether you elect to insure your pet with that company or not. Usually, you will have an opportunity to cancel your policy and get a refund of your premium (if you haven't filed any claims yet) if you don't like the results of the review.

So, insuring an older pet is possible, but as you do your research, you need to pay special attention to these issues that are peculiar to insuring an older pet.

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   

Key Facts On Pet Insurance You Should Know

Getting pet insurance for your pet is not a waste of money. Good covers will have many features which include good rates, better terms and conditions and also good repayment plan. In line with these, good covers will ensure that you get to enjoy low deductions by the external parties like the government.

When picking a policy, it is good to find out if it covers the every aspect or only part of it. Some covers have been designed to offer insurance for only the current needs and leave out other parts like hereditary illness. It is advisable to work with policies that offer a general cover.

You should also check on the prices of the policies. Find out how they charge the different covers and what the packages entail. You should then be able to pick a cover that meets your budget line.

In line with these, ask about the deductibles that are included in the whole cover. Every cover has hidden costs that will be added to the monthly premium payment. It is advisable to understand these costs so that you may be able to calculate and know how much you are needed to pay.

Apart from checking on the pricing, make sure you also check if the policy considers any kind of problem or is only limited to a few risks. Many of the covers are general. However, some companies offer covers for only a single risk and leaves out the rest. Generally, for such, you will find the cost to be lower.

In addition, find out if the offered cover is limited to only a given period or is running until the pet passes on. Good covers will have a good lifespan running for more than ten years. In addition, they will have low premium charges as compared to the other policies.

To add on, some policies are designed to cover only one pet while others cover a given number of your pets. The latter has a high premium charged and will require a lot of documentations. Based on your need, you can choose the best to go for.

In looking for a good cover, check out for the various features that have been attached to the policies. Due to the high competition in the market, many of the insurance firms have resulted into offering good discounts and additional price cuts. Getting a firm that enjoys these options is simple and good. Ensure you take full advantage of it and make use of the offers in saving on the premiums.

In looking for the best cover for your pet, it is advisable that you carry out a good research on the available options. The firms have resorted to offer good detailed information about their offers over the net. In addition, you can carry out a good research by getting good referrals.

Good pet insurance will come in handy when facing high medical bills as a result of your pet getting ill. In looking for compensation, you can get an application form online. The filling process is simple and fast.

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   

How to Buy Pet Insurance for Your Cat

Pets are more than just animals that we feed and take care of. They are part of the family, are loved and given the best care that we can offer. From feeding them healthy food to grooming them, we smother them with tender loving care (TLC) because they deserve it even if they don't always reciprocate.

We don't mind because we love them just the same. Of course, cats are among the most favorite pets for many people. This is why cat health insurance is being offered to pet owners who want financial protection for themselves and top health care for their furry little family members.

Because there are so many pet health insurance policies to choose from, it can become pretty confusing when deciding which one to get. Here are a few tips to hopefully lessen the confusion and help you choose the best plan for your Cat.

For starters, it is important for you to understand exactly what is included in the cat pet insurance plan before signing on the dotted line. It should be fairly simple because pet insurance works in a similar fashion as insurance for humans. There are deductibles and premiums that vary depending on the health, age and physical condition of your cat. Your monthly premium depends on the level of coverage you choose for your cat.

Determine the type of plan for the cat pet insurance that you want to get. Some insurance plans will include everything from vaccines, routine health checks and major surgeries. Others cat insurance plans only include the major things and leave out other smaller expenses. Make sure you know what is included in your plan before you buy so there are no surprises and leave out the items you won't need to help keep your premium at a manageable level.

Customize the plan to the needs of your cat. If your pet is an indoor cat, there are cat health insurance options designed specifically for indoor cats. Other plans are available with options for outdoor cats. Why pay for services when your cat will probably never ever end up using them?

Because pets are a part of the family, it makes perfect sense that they have the best medical attention from a skilled Vet when and if they need it. Choose your cat health insurance with care so you and your cat can experience the many benefits that owning pet insurance has to offer.

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   

Are You Insured? Pros and Cons of Pet Insurance

More and more people are disassociating themselves from the "dog owner" label and are instead embracing the role of pet parent. We are realizing that dogs are not mere objects to own but members of our family and therefore should be treated with as much care and respect as you would your own kids. Birthdays, holidays, family vacations and even the occasional spa day or restaurant outing are some of the events in which including the family dog isn't so unheard of anymore.

As a cherished member of the family, it's important to keep your dog happy, healthy, and well adjusted. Proper obedience training, biologically appropriate nutrition, and regular visits to your veterinarian are all important ways we can help ensure our dogs get the best opportunity to live a long and happy life.

When it comes to your dog's health, it's always a good idea to be prepared for anything; because you never know when an accident will happen or you or your pet will run into a medical emergency. Make sure to keep a well-stocked first aid kit on hand with all the items necessary to keep both you and your family safe... including your dog! You should keep a first aid kit on hand in your home, in the car, at work and even when you're traveling with your pets.

Health Insurance Not Just for People Anymore

Another way to be prepared in case your dog is injured in an accident or contracts an illness is to have a pet insurance policy. Health insurance is not just for people anymore. Pet parents now have the opportunity to purchase insurance for their dogs to help offset healthcare costs down the road.

Similar to health insurance for people, pet insurance can cover everything from routine checkups, emergency procedures, alternative therapies and even genetic conditions (depending on the plan).

Pros and Cons of Pet Insurance

So why would you want to get health insurance for your dog? Well the benefits of pet insurance are many: • Pet insurance can help cover costs associated with routine care, accidents, illness, medications, and immunizations (depending on the plan). • Some policies will cover prescription foods or alternative therapy such as acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathic, or hydrotherapy. • Many plans are customizable so you can add or remove coverage as needed. • Most companies offer a 30 money-back guarantee if you decided to cancel and don't use the insurance within the 30 day window. While there are many people that swear by having insurance for their pets, there are some critics out there that aren't as convinced. The main arguments against pet insurance are: • Some policies don't cover pre-existing conditions and have strict guidelines on what is considered a "pre-existing condition". • Some companies have age-limits set within their plans. This means that older pets may have reduced coverage or worse, they may not even qualify to be covered. • Some plans require that you seek care from an in-network veterinarian in order to qualify for insurance reimbursement. • Some plans charge a penalty if you cancel your plan early so be aware of this.

Questions to Ask When Shopping Around

There are many different companies out there that now offer pet insurance. Before you make a decision, it's a good idea to do some homework to make sure the plan is right for you and your dog.

Here are some questions you should ask: 1. "Can I choose my own vet or do they have to be part of your in-plan network?"

2. "Do you cover:" Genetic conditions (hereditary/congenital)? Alternative therapies (chiropractic, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, etc.)? Pre-existing conditions? Breeding, whelping, pregnancy? Prescription drugs or food?

3. "How is reimbursement calculated?" (Actual vet bill vs. average rate for service)

4. "Can I customize my plan such as choosing my own deductible or adding/removing benefits?"

5. "Are there policy payout limits? If so, what are they and are they based on per incident, annual, or lifetime basis?"

6. "Do you exclude dogs that are fed raw food diets from your coverage?"

7. "Are there any multi-pet rates, military discounts or any other offers available?"

Cat Health Insurance   Understand The Nuts and Bolts of Pet Insurance   Pet Care Insurance - Put Your Pet First   Vital Information About Pet Insurance   Got A Pet? Read Why Pet Insurance Is So Important For Your Pet And Your Finances   

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